Специалисты Гайнетдинова Юлия Инструктор детских программ. January — январь; cold — холодный; month — месяц; year — год Собаки обычно умнее кошек. Children learned by repeating lines and copying. Моор : Image of three peasants carrying icons in a way that makes it seem that their bodies are the bodies of Jesus and the Holy Spirits Travelling has a great educational value because it is a chance to meet new people, visit museums and ancient sights, discover different ways victory school of beauty hands on skills life, taste national cuisines and practice foreign александритовый лазер после 1 процедуры.
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This is a finding aid. Unless otherwise noted, the materials described below are physically available in their reading room, and not digitally available through the web. The early years of the Soviet Union required a shift from the Old Regime, in which the Czar and the Church wielded significant power, to the Soviet regime, which vilified both. The Soviet regime demanded that its citizens start building a new country with an entirely new set of rules which included, in essence, a social and economic makeover with no religion, the creation of "a new man," and the rule of the Communist Party.
The images of the figures representing the Old Regime, including priests, noblemen, factory owners, and the Czar were portrayed as villains in an effort to encourage the population to shed their previously held beliefs in favor of a bright Soviet future that promised them work, better health, education, and community. Those "villains" were portrayed as "the enemies of the people" who exploited the unwitting masses by clouding their minds with religion, while pocketing profits. Those who clung to the old ways were accused of posing a threat to the cultural, religious, social, and economic aspects of the Soviet Union; however, anyone who did not fit the mold of the "New Soviet Man," might be considered a "socially harmful element.
In its effort to create the "new man," the Party took great interest in the upbringing of children, hoping that children, who knew no different and were raised with the Communist Party ideals, would act under the belief that the collective was more important than family loyalties. Education was strictly controlled and children were involved in Communist youth organizations which worked to eradicate illiteracy and to develop solidarity among the citizenry.
The Communist party placed the responsibility of the future of the Soviet Union upon its citizens, pinning any failure on the greed of aristocrats, the bourgeoisie, religious figures, former factory owners or business entrepreneurs, wealthier peasants "kulaks" , and individuals. These "enemies of the people" could be arrested, executed, or exiled. This collection is arranged in four series: I. Anti-capitalist and anti-religious posters; II. Anti-religious propaganda; III. Soviet childcare and parenting rules. The finding aid includes detailed translation of the poster text from Russian to English; with original text in Russian in parenthesis. Within series, posters are alphabetized by English translation. About a third of the posters eleven feature images that condemn religious authorities and capitalists at the same time Series I.
Anti-capitalist and anti-religious posters , implying that capitalists benefitted from the masses being distracted by religion. Fat men in top hats in these represent corrupt capitalists, the bourgeoisie, and kulaks. Series II. Anti-religious propaganda consists of eighteen posters. Most of these address Orthodox Christianity in particular; and posters include negative images of Jesus, the Holy Trinity, Saints, priests, and angels. The third series, Promotion of the Communist Party and Soviet lifestyle, contains five posters, and focuses on the development of the newly liberated and healthy Soviet.
The final series, IV. Soviet child care and parenting rules, includes explanations of what entails bad parenting and instructions on what mothers should do to ensure their children are healthy and growing up to be productive members of society. Several posters focus on hygiene, the need for healthy food, fresh air, a stable home life, and play. In addition, an importance is placed on reading and literacy and the need for all members of society to work for the common good. The drawing style of these posters only begins to resemble the Soviet-look with which most people are familiar.
Women pictured in the posters often wear head scarves, a remnant from the Czarist regime. Because of the visual nature of these posters, and because many were designed specifically for an illiterate population, researchers not reading Russian will still be able to gain significant impact from the posters themselves, especially with the English translations found in the finding aid. This collection may be of interest to researchers interested in what the early Soviet state wanted every Soviet citizen to unlearn, learn and follow; as well as propaganda tactics, more generally.
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Skip to search Skip to main content. The Communist party aimed to erase religion, Czarism, and capitalism, and replace them with a new way of life. It also condemned drinking and promoted a healthier diet and exercise. About a third of the posters focus on the raising of children, targeting mothers and promoting physically and ideologically healthy parenting and child care of the future generation of Soviet citizens. Use Restrictions Copyright restrictions may exist. Series I. Anti-capitalist and anti-religious posters. Toggle request.
Kulak and a bourgeois: from the pocket of Jesus "While the guardian is messing with them, we will slip by unnoticed in the divine pocket" Название: Придите ко мне, все трудящиеся и обремененные! Внизу: Бабы: Заступничек наш усердный, батюшка, ты наш, etc. Кулак и буржуй, из кармана Иисуса: Пока заступник им головы крутит, а мы и проедем в божественном кармане. By Dmitrii Moor Д. Моор : Anti-religious image with women, priests, and a kulak Drawer Folder 1. Materials Viewable Online "Come to me, all the working and the burdened! Антон Логинов , by Dmitrii Moor Д. Моор : Image of a peasant exploited by the Virgin Mary and two capitalists, with long article text, written by Anton Loginov, explaining how the Church exploited people, and why the bourgeoisie liked the Church Materials Viewable Online "Christ is born.
Мы ловцы душ человеческих , by P. Skalazo: Image of a kulak using a puppet of Christ to trap a poor man Drawer Folder 2. Materials Viewable Online "Enough of Trickery. Моор : Image of a soldier harassed by priests and elements of the old regime На перьях написано: Мир!! Моор : Image of Christ driving a tank over the Zinoviev Letter На газете написано: Ускорим гибель религии активным участием в социалистическом строительстве , by U. Ganf, text by Gr. Gradov У. Ганф, текст Гр. Градов : Image of a factory, a drunk man and a worker reading the Bezbozhnik u Stanka newspaper; includes a song about the hopeful future of industrialized man, free of religion and alcoholism, and shows a pope and a factory owner pulling strings of religious figures Materials Viewable Online "Religion is the enemy of industrialization.
In its malicious and imperative attempts to hurt the Socialist cause by disrupting the making of bread, the kulak relies heavily on his clerical-sectarian army, which in the name of God strives to prevent the poor-middle Christian masses from submitting their marketable surplus to the Soviet state. Борьба против религии-борьба за социализм. В своих злостных и ипорных попытках навредить путем срыва хлебо-заготовок делу социалистического строительства, кулак вплотную опирается на поповско-сектанскую рать, стремящуюся бедняцко-середняцкие крестьянские массы заставить именем бога отказаться от сдачи хлебных, товарных излишков Советской власти , by K.
Urbetis Урбетис : Image of kulaks and priests attempting to keep farmers from going to Grain Procurement Materials Viewable Online "The Church and grain collection. Живая, Мертвая. This refers to an old Russian myth of bringing someone to life by putting dead and then live water on them. The third type is usually holy water, here replaced by kulak and Pope references. Слева: Святые, Святые, Святые ангелы. Внизу: Святые херувимы и серафимы. Materials Viewable Online "The Tsar of those who rule and god of those who are worshipped.
Former Owner of Rouge. Им небо. Нам земля. Ружон , by Dmitrii Moor Д. Моор : Image of the Old Regime elements contrasted against the Soviet present. Shows the present as a factory floor, and the past in the heavens as the old regime Materials Viewable Online "To each their own: They get the heavens, we get the earth. Дорогу капиталу и империалистическому гнету в колонии прокладывают попы с помощью ядовитого дурмана религии , by Mikhail Cheremnykh: Image of a priest in a gas-mask spraying colonial people with poison gas.
The tank with Jesus on it, reads "Religious opium," and the blue tank above it read, "asphyxiating gas" Materials Viewable Online "Imperialism and Religion. Anti-religious propaganda. Внизу: Отдай свою душу Иисусу, а мясо отдай кулаку , by Nikolai Kogout Николай Когоут : Anti-religious and anti-capitalist image of peasants draining their blood. The priest is depicted as a fox, an animal associated with being cunning Materials Viewable Online "The sweetest bloodsuckers.
Спаси, господи, люди твоя Моор : Image of Christ directing masses off of a cliff The priestly tale of the Nativity of Christ is necessary for capitalists and landowners to cloud the class consciousness of the working people, to get their slavish oppression, obedience, and submission. Поповская сказка о Рождестве христовом нужна капиталистам и помещикам для затемнения классового сознания трудящихся, для рабского их угнетения, повиновения и покорности , by A. Radakov А Радаков : A Christmas puppet theater with priests and soldiers in the background
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Education Schools and tutors. Матрёшка-Успех Русский Учебный Центр Русский учебный центр, в который входит школа Успех и детский сад Матрёшка, разностороннее развитие и комфортные условия. Все дети очень талантливы, надо только грамотно составить образовательную программу. Цель нашей программы, как и всей работы в целом, — заложить прочный образовательный фундамент для дальнейшего развития ребёнка и его успешного обучения в школе. В январе года в центре был открыт логопедический кабинет. Прием ведёт специалист высшей категории — логопед Азарова Ирина Игоревна. Small groups up to 3 persons.

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